Competencies Employment Insurance Benefits Control Officer near Miramichi (NB)
Find out what competencies you typically need to work as an employment insurance benefits control officer in Canada. These skills are applicable to all Employment insurance, immigration, border services and revenue officers (NOC 12104).
Skills Help - Skills
Excise tax revenue officers
Proficiency or complexity level Digital Literacy 3 - Moderate Level Writing 3 - Moderate Level Numeracy 3 - Moderate Level Reading Comprehension 3 - Moderate Level Oral Communication: Oral Comprehension 3 - Moderate Level Oral Communication: Oral Expression 3 - Moderate Level Persuading 3 - Moderate Level Critical Thinking 3 - Moderate Level Decision Making 3 - Moderate Level Systems Analysis 3 - Moderate Level -
Government benefits services officers
Proficiency or complexity level Instructing 3 - Moderate Level Digital Literacy 3 - Moderate Level Writing 3 - Moderate Level Reading Comprehension 3 - Moderate Level Oral Communication: Active Listening 3 - Moderate Level Oral Communication: Oral Comprehension 3 - Moderate Level Oral Communication: Oral Expression 3 - Moderate Level Social Perceptiveness 3 - Moderate Level Persuading 3 - Moderate Level Critical Thinking 3 - Moderate Level
Personal Attributes Help - Personal Attributes
Excise tax revenue officers
Importance Concern for Others 4 - Highly important Collaboration 4 - Highly important Adaptability 4 - Highly important Analytical Thinking 4 - Highly important Attention to Detail 4 - Highly important Active Learning 3 - Important Stress Tolerance 3 - Important Independence 3 - Important Innovativeness 2 - Somewhat important Creativity 2 - Somewhat important -
Government benefits services officers
Importance Social Orientation 4 - Highly important Concern for Others 4 - Highly important Collaboration 4 - Highly important Attention to Detail 4 - Highly important Active Learning 3 - Important Service Orientation 3 - Important Stress Tolerance 3 - Important Independence 3 - Important Leadership 3 - Important Adaptability 3 - Important
Interest Help - Interest
Excise tax revenue officers
Conventional Help - Conventional jobsInvestigative Help - Investigative jobsEnterprising Help - Enterprising jobs -
Government benefits services officers
Social Help - Social jobsConventional Help - Conventional jobsEnterprising Help - Enterprising jobs
Knowledge Help - Knowledge
Excise tax revenue officers
Knowledge level Accounting 3 - Advanced Level Clerical 3 - Advanced Level Law 3 - Advanced Level Economics 2 - Intermediate Level Business Management 2 - Intermediate Level Finance 2 - Intermediate Level Languages 2 - Intermediate Level Mathematics 2 - Intermediate Level Performance Measurement 1 - Basic Level Client Service 1 - Basic Level -
Government benefits services officers
Knowledge level Accounting 3 - Advanced Level Clerical 3 - Advanced Level Client Service 2 - Intermediate Level Languages 2 - Intermediate Level Law 2 - Intermediate Level Public Affairs and Government Relations 2 - Intermediate Level Performance Measurement 1 - Basic Level Humanities 1 - Basic Level Economics 1 - Basic Level Business Management 1 - Basic Level
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