Competencies Artistic Floral Designer in the Red Deer Region
Find out what competencies you typically need to work as an artistic floral designer in Canada. These skills are applicable to all Artisans and craftspersons (NOC 53124).
Skills Help - Skills
Artistic floral arrangers
Proficiency or complexity level Management of Material Resources 3 - Moderate Level Social Perceptiveness 3 - Moderate Level Management of Financial Resources 3 - Moderate Level Persuading 3 - Moderate Level Monitoring 2 - Low Level Time Management 2 - Low Level Management of Personnel Resources 2 - Low Level Writing 2 - Low Level Numeracy 2 - Low Level Reading Comprehension 2 - Low Level -
Proficiency or complexity level Management of Material Resources 3 - Moderate Level Product Design 3 - Moderate Level Quality Control Testing 2 - Low Level Operation Monitoring of Machinery and Equipment 2 - Low Level Troubleshooting 2 - Low Level Numeracy 2 - Low Level Negotiating 2 - Low Level Management of Financial Resources 2 - Low Level Persuading 2 - Low Level Learning and Teaching Strategies 2 - Low Level -
Craft instructors
Proficiency or complexity level Learning and Teaching Strategies 4 - High Level Instructing 3 - Moderate Level Management of Material Resources 3 - Moderate Level Product Design 3 - Moderate Level Oral Communication: Active Listening 3 - Moderate Level Oral Communication: Oral Comprehension 3 - Moderate Level Oral Communication: Oral Expression 3 - Moderate Level Social Perceptiveness 3 - Moderate Level Persuading 3 - Moderate Level Coordinating 2 - Low Level -
Proficiency or complexity level Management of Material Resources 3 - Moderate Level Product Design 3 - Moderate Level Equipment and Tool Selection 3 - Moderate Level Management of Financial Resources 3 - Moderate Level Persuading 3 - Moderate Level Monitoring 2 - Low Level Quality Control Testing 2 - Low Level Operation Monitoring of Machinery and Equipment 2 - Low Level Troubleshooting 2 - Low Level Writing 2 - Low Level -
Glass blowers
Proficiency or complexity level Management of Material Resources 3 - Moderate Level Product Design 3 - Moderate Level Repairing 3 - Moderate Level Equipment and Tool Selection 3 - Moderate Level Management of Financial Resources 3 - Moderate Level Preventative Maintenance 3 - Moderate Level Operation and Control 3 - Moderate Level Monitoring 2 - Low Level Time Management 2 - Low Level Quality Control Testing 2 - Low Level -
Stained glass artists
Proficiency or complexity level Management of Material Resources 3 - Moderate Level Product Design 3 - Moderate Level Repairing 3 - Moderate Level Equipment and Tool Selection 3 - Moderate Level Management of Financial Resources 3 - Moderate Level Persuading 3 - Moderate Level Monitoring 2 - Low Level Quality Control Testing 2 - Low Level Operation Monitoring of Machinery and Equipment 2 - Low Level Troubleshooting 2 - Low Level -
Instrument makers
Proficiency or complexity level Management of Material Resources 3 - Moderate Level Quality Control Testing 3 - Moderate Level Product Design 3 - Moderate Level Repairing 3 - Moderate Level Equipment and Tool Selection 3 - Moderate Level Management of Financial Resources 3 - Moderate Level Coordinating 2 - Low Level Monitoring 2 - Low Level Time Management 2 - Low Level Operation Monitoring of Machinery and Equipment 2 - Low Level -
Metal art workers
Proficiency or complexity level Management of Material Resources 3 - Moderate Level Product Design 3 - Moderate Level Equipment and Tool Selection 3 - Moderate Level Management of Financial Resources 3 - Moderate Level Operation and Control 3 - Moderate Level Quality Control Testing 2 - Low Level Operation Monitoring of Machinery and Equipment 2 - Low Level Troubleshooting 2 - Low Level Numeracy 2 - Low Level Repairing 2 - Low Level -
Proficiency or complexity level Management of Material Resources 3 - Moderate Level Product Design 3 - Moderate Level Management of Financial Resources 3 - Moderate Level Operation and Control 3 - Moderate Level Monitoring 2 - Low Level Quality Control Testing 2 - Low Level Operation Monitoring of Machinery and Equipment 2 - Low Level Troubleshooting 2 - Low Level Oral Communication: Oral Comprehension 2 - Low Level Persuading 2 - Low Level
Personal Attributes Help - Personal Attributes
Artistic floral arrangers
Importance Creativity 4 - Highly important Independence 4 - Highly important Collaboration 4 - Highly important Adaptability 4 - Highly important Attention to Detail 4 - Highly important Active Learning 3 - Important Innovativeness 3 - Important Service Orientation 3 - Important Social Orientation 3 - Important Leadership 3 - Important -
Importance Independence 5 - Extremely important Attention to Detail 5 - Extremely important Creativity 4 - Highly important Collaboration 3 - Important Active Learning 2 - Somewhat important Concern for Others 2 - Somewhat important Adaptability 2 - Somewhat important Analytical Thinking 2 - Somewhat important Innovativeness 1 - Minimally important Social Orientation 1 - Minimally important -
Craft instructors
Importance Creativity 4 - Highly important Service Orientation 4 - Highly important Social Orientation 4 - Highly important Independence 4 - Highly important Leadership 4 - Highly important Concern for Others 4 - Highly important Collaboration 4 - Highly important Adaptability 4 - Highly important Attention to Detail 4 - Highly important Active Learning 3 - Important -
Importance Attention to Detail 5 - Extremely important Innovativeness 4 - Highly important Creativity 4 - Highly important Independence 4 - Highly important Adaptability 4 - Highly important Active Learning 3 - Important Stress Tolerance 3 - Important Concern for Others 3 - Important Collaboration 3 - Important Analytical Thinking 3 - Important -
Glass blowers
Importance Creativity 4 - Highly important Attention to Detail 4 - Highly important Active Learning 3 - Important Innovativeness 3 - Important Stress Tolerance 3 - Important Independence 3 - Important Collaboration 3 - Important Adaptability 3 - Important Social Orientation 2 - Somewhat important Leadership 2 - Somewhat important -
Stained glass artists
Importance Creativity 5 - Extremely important Independence 5 - Extremely important Attention to Detail 5 - Extremely important Innovativeness 3 - Important Adaptability 3 - Important Active Learning 2 - Somewhat important Social Orientation 2 - Somewhat important Analytical Thinking 2 - Somewhat important Leadership 1 - Minimally important Concern for Others 1 - Minimally important -
Instrument makers
Importance Attention to Detail 5 - Extremely important Creativity 4 - Highly important Independence 4 - Highly important Adaptability 4 - Highly important Active Learning 3 - Important Innovativeness 3 - Important Stress Tolerance 3 - Important Concern for Others 3 - Important Collaboration 3 - Important Analytical Thinking 3 - Important -
Metal art workers
Importance Independence 4 - Highly important Attention to Detail 4 - Highly important Innovativeness 3 - Important Creativity 3 - Important Collaboration 3 - Important Active Learning 2 - Somewhat important Social Orientation 2 - Somewhat important Leadership 2 - Somewhat important Concern for Others 2 - Somewhat important Adaptability 2 - Somewhat important -
Importance Creativity 4 - Highly important Independence 4 - Highly important Attention to Detail 4 - Highly important Innovativeness 3 - Important Collaboration 3 - Important Active Learning 2 - Somewhat important Social Orientation 2 - Somewhat important Leadership 2 - Somewhat important Concern for Others 2 - Somewhat important Adaptability 2 - Somewhat important
Interest Help - Interest
Artistic floral arrangers
Realistic Help - Realistic jobsArtistic Help - Artistic jobs -
Craft instructors
Artistic Help - Artistic jobsRealistic Help - Realistic jobs -
Glass blowers
Realistic Help - Realistic jobsArtistic Help - Artistic jobs -
Stained glass artists
Artistic Help - Artistic jobsRealistic Help - Realistic jobs -
Instrument makers
Realistic Help - Realistic jobsArtistic Help - Artistic jobsInvestigative Help - Investigative jobs -
Metal art workers
Realistic Help - Realistic jobsArtistic Help - Artistic jobs -
Realistic Help - Realistic jobsArtistic Help - Artistic jobs
Knowledge Help - Knowledge
Artistic floral arrangers
Knowledge level Agriculture and Horticulture 1 - Basic Level Library, Conservation, and Heritage 1 - Basic Level Theology and Philosophy 1 - Basic Level Arts 1 - Basic Level Client Service 1 - Basic Level Languages 1 - Basic Level Mathematics 1 - Basic Level -
Knowledge level Humanities 1 - Basic Level Arts 1 - Basic Level Sale and Marketing 1 - Basic Level Vehicle, Machinery and Equipment Operations 1 - Basic Level Languages 1 - Basic Level Mathematics 1 - Basic Level -
Craft instructors
Knowledge level Client Service 2 - Intermediate Level Teaching 2 - Intermediate Level Training, Mentoring and Coaching 2 - Intermediate Level Languages 2 - Intermediate Level Performance Measurement 1 - Basic Level Humanities 1 - Basic Level Arts 1 - Basic Level Clerical 1 - Basic Level Mathematics 1 - Basic Level -
Knowledge level Arts 2 - Intermediate Level Humanities 1 - Basic Level Library, Conservation, and Heritage 1 - Basic Level Sale and Marketing 1 - Basic Level Languages 1 - Basic Level Mathematics 1 - Basic Level -
Glass blowers
Knowledge level Arts 2 - Intermediate Level Humanities 1 - Basic Level Library, Conservation, and Heritage 1 - Basic Level Sale and Marketing 1 - Basic Level Languages 1 - Basic Level Mathematics 1 - Basic Level -
Stained glass artists
Knowledge level Humanities 1 - Basic Level Library, Conservation, and Heritage 1 - Basic Level Arts 1 - Basic Level Sale and Marketing 1 - Basic Level Languages 1 - Basic Level Mathematics 1 - Basic Level -
Instrument makers
Knowledge level Humanities 1 - Basic Level Library, Conservation, and Heritage 1 - Basic Level Arts 1 - Basic Level Sale and Marketing 1 - Basic Level Physics 1 - Basic Level Vehicle, Machinery and Equipment Operations 1 - Basic Level Languages 1 - Basic Level Mathematics 1 - Basic Level -
Metal art workers
Knowledge level Geological Resources 1 - Basic Level Manufacturing, Processing and Production 1 - Basic Level Humanities 1 - Basic Level Library, Conservation, and Heritage 1 - Basic Level Arts 1 - Basic Level Sale and Marketing 1 - Basic Level Languages 1 - Basic Level Mathematics 1 - Basic Level -
Knowledge level Manufacturing, Processing and Production 1 - Basic Level Humanities 1 - Basic Level Library, Conservation, and Heritage 1 - Basic Level Arts 1 - Basic Level Sale and Marketing 1 - Basic Level Languages 1 - Basic Level Mathematics 1 - Basic Level
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